How do I get email notifications of game changes?
- Beginning in Fall 2012, team members can subscribe to have team-based updates and alerts sent directly to their email address.At this time, there are two types of updates available:
- Game Cancellation Notifications: team officials will have the ability to log on to the MYSL website and submit a game cancellation notice.
- Game Change Notifications: when a game change has been submitted and approved, notifications will be sent out to all subscribed email addresses for both the affected home and away teams.
How do I subscribe to updates for a team?
To subscribe to updates for any given team, follow these steps:
- Go to the “Schedules & Standings” page like you would normally to find your team(s).
- Next to each team name on the standings is this icon (
- Clicking this icon will take you to a page where you will supply the email address you wish to receive updates.
- Once you supply an email address, you will receive an email from MYSL requiring confirmation that you wish to receive updates for the given team. We do this to ensure that you cannot be subscribed by anybody but yourself.
How do I unsubscribe from updates?
When you receive a notification email from MYSL, there will be a link at the bottom that takes you to a subscription management page. From this page, you will see all of your active subscriptions. You can check off any (or all) subscriptions you wish to deactivate.
Once you submit your deactivation request, an email will be sent to you, asking you to confirm your deactivation request. We do this to ensure that you cannot be unsubscribed by anybody but yourself.
How do I submit a game schedule change?
To Change a scheduled or need to schedule game:
- Click on Schedules & Standings on the top menu.
- Locate your division in the “Divisions” drop down list and click on “Load Division & Season.”
- You can also search for your team in the search box in the upper right hand corner of the Schedules & Standings page.
- In the standings grid, there is now a link for “Change Game” next to each game. Click this link.
- You will be prompted to enter a valid Registration code for your team. This is the code that was created at registration time.
- Once that code is validated, you will be taken to the page to enter your game change.
- The next step is that your request is submitted to MYSL for approval and posting. If not approved you will receive an email for further clarification and direction.
- If your field is not available in the list, please leave the drop down unchanged, email us HERE.
How do I send out a notification that a game has been canceled?
To submit a game cancellation notification, follow these steps:
Click on “Schedules & Standings” on the MYSL website.
Load the Schedule for the appropriate division.
Locate the game in question.
Click the “Game Cancellation” link.
Enter the valid registration code issued by MYSL for your team (see your player passcard packet).
Fill out the form and submit.
Upon submission, all email addresses from either the home or away team that are subscribed to receive updates will be notified of the game cancellation.
A message about the cancellation will also be posted to MYSL’s Twitter feed and Facebook page.
The emailed cancellation notice will recommend that recipients still contact their team officials to verify the cancellation.
How do I submit the final score for my team's game?
MYSL has made improvements to our score submission system. Beginning with the Fall 2012 season, in order to submit a score for a game, please follow the following process:
The MYSL game is concluded.
Final score submitted by the winning team (registration code needed for submission).
Score is then sent to MYSL to apply to game and league standings.
MYSL applies score to game and official league standings.
What if the Submitted Score is Incorrect?
If an incorrect score is submitted, the correct score can be submitted via a new score submission form. All revisions are subject to review.
An Incorrect Score was Submitted, Approved, and Applied to the League Standings. What now?
If an incorrect score for one of your games is posted on Schedules and Standings, please go through the “Submit Score” link for that game, and submit the new score. The program will then follow the same process as a freshly submitted score. All rvisions are subject to review.
What is the hierarchy of divisions in MYSL?
The hierarchy for division names in MYSL, in order of competition level, is as follows:
Major Blue
Major Gold
It can occur that two division levels are combined for a given season (EX: “Premier/Major”).
It can occur that there are two divisions at the same level for a given season (EX: “Green #1” and “Green #2”). These divisions are considered equal in competition level.