Coaches/Managers – Important Spring 2013 Registration Note:
Spring 2013 registration will be open on December 9 for all teams who will be playing in MYSL. Registration fees are now on the playing grids and the treasurer's form. All teams must register online before January 18, 2013.
Please click the following link for instructions and online registration. All teams must register as a new team, as all teams are considered new for the Fall season. You will also be able to print registration requirements and guidelines from the online registration system.
After you have registered your team online, please double check all entries before printing 3 copies of your roster. Incorrect rosters will not be accepted at registration, please make sure they are correct.
MYSL Order of Divisions for Spring 2013:
The following is the sequence of divisions from most to least competitive:
- Premier
- Major Blue
- Major Gold
- Red
- White
- Green