$from) && ($now < $to))
These are the current divisions for the Spring 2013 season.
You can search by either choosing a division from the drop down and clicking “Load Division,” by choosing a club from the drop down and clicking “Load Club,” or by typing any part of the team name in the search box and clicking “Search for Team.”
prepare(“select distinct id,title from 4Ao_leaguemanager_leagues where id not in (77,142) and seasons like ‘%s’ order by title”,$SeasonLike);
$divisions = $wpdb->get_results($qry);
$qry = $wpdb->prepare(“select clubID, clubName from wp_mysl_clubs”);
$clubs = $wpdb->get_results($qry);
$qry = ”;
prepare(“select distinct wll.title as ‘division’, wlt.title as ‘teamName’,wmc.clubName as ‘club’ from
4Ao_leaguemanager_teams wlt
join 4Ao_leaguemanager_leagues wll
on wlt.league_id = wll.id
left outer join wp_mysl_teams wmt
on wmt.id = wlt.id
left outer join wp_mysl_clubs wmc
on wmc.clubID = wmt.clubID
wll.id not in (77,142) and wlt.season = ‘%s’ and wlt.league_id = %d order by wlt.title”,$Season,$_POST[“divisionList”]);
else if($_POST[“teamSearchBtn”])
$qry = $wpdb->prepare(“select distinct wll.title as ‘division’, wlt.title as ‘teamName’,wmc.clubName as ‘club’ from
4Ao_leaguemanager_teams wlt
join 4Ao_leaguemanager_leagues wll
on wlt.league_id = wll.id
left outer join wp_mysl_teams wmt
on wmt.id = wlt.id
left outer join wp_mysl_clubs wmc
on wmc.clubID = wmt.clubID
wll.id not in (77,142) and wlt.season = ‘%s’ and wlt.title like ‘%s’ order by wll.title, wlt.title”,$Season,$teamLike);
else if($_POST[“clubSearchBtn”])
if ($_POST[“clubList”] != “99999”)
$qry = $wpdb->prepare(“select distinct wll.title as ‘division’, wlt.title as ‘teamName’,wmc.clubName as ‘club’ from
4Ao_leaguemanager_teams wlt
join 4Ao_leaguemanager_leagues wll
on wlt.league_id = wll.id
join wp_mysl_teams wmt
on wmt.id = wlt.id
join wp_mysl_clubs wmc
on wmc.clubID = wmt.clubID
wll.id not in (77,142) and wlt.season = ‘%s’ and wmc.clubID = %d order by wll.title, wlt.title”,$Season,$_POST[“clubList”]);
if($qry != “”)
$results = mysql_query($qry);
Team Name | Club Name | Division |
Divisioning is now closed for the Spring 2013 season. Thank You.